You can download a extended version of my CV here.
Manuscript: Towards Sociol Autotelic Artificial Agents - Formation and Exploitation of Cultural Conventions in Autonomous Embodied Artificial Agents
Supervisors: Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Clément Moulin-Frier
Jury: John Langford (Mircosoft Research), Noah Goodman (Stanford), Andrew Lampineen (Google Deepmind), Stefano Palminteri (ENS), Xavier Hinaut (Inria)
Major: Maching Learning
Minor: Autonomous Systems & Robotics
Major: Computational Fluids Dynamics
Large Language Models for the exploration of large cultural datasets in the DHLab.
In charge of Introduction to Programming in Python (4TPM101U) and Development of Pyhton Applications (4TPM110U).
Reinforcement Learning applied to control the wing sail of an autonomous sailboat (stall avoidance and control of systems with hysteresis).
In Charge of Analyitcs II as well as Physics II.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) for clause extraction and question answering in legal documents, benchmarking of both pre-trained and legal specific word representations for text classification and question answering tasks.
Computer Vision for Semantic Segmentation of PDFs (implementation of a Fully Convolitional Neural Network).
In my free time, I love to play music (saxophone and guitar), watch football games with friends and ride my bike in the city. Sportwise I snowboard during winter and occasionally surf during summer.